Adobe. “Lightroom Classic Tutorials.” Learn How to Use Lightroom Classic, 2018,
Adobe. “Apply Local Adjustments” Learn How to Apply Local Adjustments, 2018,
Adobe. “Add Interactivity to an InDesign Document.” To an InDesign Document | Adobe InDesign Tutorials 2018,
Adobe. “Add Audio, Video, and Interactive Objects to PDFs in Adobe Acrobat.” In Adobe Acrobat,
Flipsnack “Make Your PDFs Interactive and Engaging.” 2 Apr. 2019,

Additional Credits to I used to make the comparison sliders embed code and which I used to make the Quick Start tutorial slideshow and lightbox. These websites provided the HTML embed code I embedded into my website using my own images I uploaded.

(css source code for image integration embed)

/*@version2@version */
{'group':'controls','name':'theme_color','type':'color','title':'Controls color','default':'#ffffff',desc:'Customize Theme color for your player'},
{'group':'branded','name':'player_watermark_on_off','type':'bool','title':'Brand player','default':'false',desc:"Add your logo to the player control bar. If you don't want to add logo change the toggle button to 'Off'"},
{'group':'branded','name':'player_watermark','type':'text','title':'Player Logo URL','default':'','desc':'Type in the Logo file direct URL.', 'enableExp': 'param.player_watermark_on_off == "true"'},
{'group':'branded','name':'player_watermark_link','type':'text','title':'Player Logo click URL','default':'','desc':'Type in the click URL (target site URL when clicking the logo)', 'enableExp': 'param.player_watermark_on_off == "true"'},
{'group':'design','name':'arrows_color','type':'color','title':'Lightbox arrows color','default':'#ffffff',desc:'Customize lightbox arrows color'}
audio[controls] { height: auto !important; min-height: 40px; width: 100% !important; }
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/* this is for old wordpress templates */
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#~gallery_div~  .ze-swipebox .locationInfo:hover,
.ze-swipebox-caption .locationInfo:hover   {
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